Oru Serfaty
Animator & Illustrator


Group show at Design Museum Holon
July 18th - January 11th 2024-2025

Video: 05:36 min., loop 
Classic animation, Riso print

Oru Serfaty's work features a figure that appears to be part woman, part horse - animalistic and aristocratic, free yet subjected to an enslaving gaze.

The multilayered image is transformed and returns to herself in an endless cycle, creating patterns of behavior, change, and hybrid human/animal forms.

By printing multiple layers of monochromatic images on the same sheet of paper, the artist has composed an image composed of the "pure" colors made

available by the printer, as well as "mixed" colors born of the overlaying of different colors, which are built up as the paper is repeatedly reinserted into the printer.

Serfaty's animation work is based on multiple frames of images printed on a Riso printer, which are woven into a loop with no beginning, middle or end. This technique reflects the character of the industrial printer, as well as that of the multilayered figure appearing in the video.

The project was realized with the support of the Edmond de Rothschild Center, and printed at TA Tarbut Hamehoga.